Timeline for Music in Berlin

1824 Aug 4Königstadt Theater opens
1826 Nov 27Berlin premiere of Beethoven’s Ninth, conducted by Carl Möser
1831 AugustCholera epidemic
1831 November 14Hegel’s death from cholera
1832Müller Brothers Quartet’s first visit
1832Clara Wieck’s first visit
1832 June 20Meyerbeer, Robert der Teufel Berlin premiere
1833Debut of 11 year old violinist Julius Stern, and his sister is a pianist
1838Charles de Beriot and Pauline Garcia
1840Ole Bull
1840Clara Wieck concerts
1840 June 7Death of King Friedrich Wilhelm III
1841Guiditta Pasta
1841Wieprecht’s military music outdoor concerts
1841 April 2Spontini driven out of opera house
1841 Oct 10Mendelssohn named Kgl. Preußischer Kapellmeister
1841 DecLiszt’s first visit
1842 Nov 14Königliche Kapelle concert series established
1842 May 20Berlin premiere of Meyerbeer’s Die Hugenotten
1843Ferdinand Laub, 9 years old, in 2 concerts in Berlin
1843Carl Liebig’s Capelle established
1843 August 18Opera house burns down
1844Jenny Lind
1844 Feb 15Krolls Etablissement opens
1844 January 7premiere of Der Fliegende Holländer
1846 March 26Vieuxtemps, Beethoven Violin Concerto
1846Jenny Lind in Norma
1847Premiere of Rienzi, Wagner conducting
1847 JanGungl’s tea Concerts
1847Löschhorn, Stalknecht brothers Piano Trio series
1848 March 8Berlin premiere of Mendelssohn’s Elias
1848Pauline Viardot
1850 May 22assassination attempt on Friedrich Wilhelm IV at the Potsdamer Bahnhof
1850Theodor Kullak and Julius Oertling teaching at Stern
1851Albert Löschhorn, Moritz Ganz, Richard Wüerst teaching at Stern
1851Deaths of Lortzing, Möser, Rungenhagen, Spontini
1851Visit by Benjamin Bilse from Liegnitz
1851 Feb 1Krolls Etablissement burns down
1852 Dec 13Joachim’s debut: Beethoven Violin Concerto
1853 JanTherese Milanello-12 concerts
1853Pauline Viardot
1854Joachim and Clara concerts
1855Hans von Bülow, Ferdinand Laub teaching at Stern
1855 March 17Taubert’s 100th concert conducting K.K.
1855Schubert C major Quintet premiere
1855Anton Rubinstein
1855Stern Orchesterverein concerts
1855 DecLiszt fest with Stern Orchesterverein
1856 Jan 9Berlin premiere of Tannhäuser
1856Maurin-Chevillard String Quartet playing late Beethoven
1856New Müller Brothers Quartet first visit
185514-year-old Tausig performance
1858Queen Victoria visits Berlin
1858death of Sigfried Dehn
1858 March 10300th performance of Der Freischütz
1858Robert Radecke’s concert series begins
1859Hans von Bülow conducted Liszt “Die Ideale” with Liszt present
1859 Jan 23Lohengrin premiere
1860Death of Ludwig Rellstab
1862Kiel Requiem premiere
1864Heinrich de Ahna teaching at Stern
1866Friedrich Kiel, Bernhard Scholz teaching at Stern
1867 Dec 21Bilse’s first concert in Konzerthaus
1869Hochschule opens on Kaiserplatz
1869Joachim begins his quartet subscription series
1869Carl Eckert’s controversial appointment Hofkapellmeister
1870 April 1premiere of Die Meistersinger
1870 July 15France declares war on Germany
1870 November 17Joachim’s Quartet plays Brahms Sextet op. 18
1871 Jan 18German Reich created
1871 AprilWagner installed as member of Academy of the Arts, gives concerts
1872Hochschule starts giving public performances
1872 Nov 29Brahms Requiem premiere
1874Bargiel joins Hochschule composition faculty
1875 April 26Wagner conducts excerpts from Götterdämmerung
1876 March 20Premiere of Tristan und Isolde
1876 April 15Verdi Requiem
1876Carl Hair and Cesar Thomsen are concertmasters of the Bilse orchestra
1876Charles Villiers Stanford spends 6 months in Berlin
187714-year-old Emily Shinner is Joachim’s first female student at the Hochschule
1878 JanBilse concert with Brahms Symphony No. 1
1878Hans von Bülow performs the last 5 Beethoven Piano Sonatas in one concert
1878 June 2Kaiser wounded in assassination attempt
1878 June 13Berlin Congress begins
1878 Sept 14Bilse: Brahms Symphony No. 2
1878 October 30Joachim conducts Mendelssohn’s Elias at the Hochschule
1878 Oct300th performance of Fledermaus
1879Eugene Ysaye becomes concertmaster of the Bilse orchestra
1879 MarchAnton Rubinstein’s concerts are driving Berlin wild
1879 MarchRumor that Joachim is going to Cambridge
1879 OctoberRobert Hausmann joins the Joachim Quartet
1879 NovemberAdelina Patti has made Berlin go crazy
1879 December 2The Queen of Sheba by Goldmark is a big success
1879 December 30benefit concert in synagogue
1880 February 27First act of Die Walküre
1880 June 15Anhalter Bahnhof opens
1880Scharwenka Conservatory founded
1881Hermann Wolff founds his “Konzertdirektion”
1881 AprilLiszt visits and is given banquet
1881 AprilRing Cycle performed with Wagner and his family present
1881 AprilDvorak in Berlin
1881 July 7Schliemann made honorary citizen of Berlin
1881 OctScharwenka opens his Conservatory
1882 JanuaryHans von Bülow conducts the Meiningen Orchestra, Brahms is soloist for his own concerto
1882 JanuaryHeinrich de Ahna named Professor at Hochschule
1882 January 14Brahms performs his 2nd Piano Concerto
1882 October 17Skating Rink becomes the Philharmonie
1882 May 1Founding of the Philharmonic Society
1882 November 3Joseph Joachim conducts the Philharmonic Society
1883Hochschule moves to 120 W. Potsdamerstrasse
1883 JanBrahms visits 2nd Piano Concerto
1883 February 18Clara plays Schumann Concerto at the Philharmonic Society
1883 AprilPianist Alfred Reisenauer is soloist with the Philharmonic Society
1883 AprilViolinist Emile Sauret is soloist with the Philharmonic Society
1885 Oct 15Kotek’s concert with 3 concertos
1883 November 12Anton Rubinstein conducts the Philharmonic Society
1884Philharmonic Society Founded again
1884 January 28Brahms conducts his Third Symphony
1884 March 4Hans von Bülow’s first time conducting the Philharmonic Society
1884 April 7First complete performance of Die Walküre
1884The divorce of Joseph and Amalie Joachim is finalized
1884 November 21Dvorak conducts the Philharmonic
1884 NovemberHausmann named Professor at the Hochschule
1885 JanuaryProfile of the Joachim Quartet in the Musikalisches Wochenblatt
1885 September 13Composition Professor at the Hochschule Friedrich Kiel dies of injuries from a traffic accident
1885 December 9Gabriele Wietrowetz plays the Brahms Violin Concerto with the Philharmonic Society
1886 FebruaryJoachim conducts the Brahms Fourth Symphony
1886 October 29Eugen d’Albert is soloist with Philharmonic Society
1887 January 31Marie Soldat plays the Brahms Violin Concerto with the Philharmonic Society
1887 MarchHausmann plays the Berlin premiere of the 2nd Cello Sonata by Brahms
1887 Oct 21First season of the Berlin Philharmonic, Hans von Bülow conductor
1887Bolko von Hochberg becomes General Intendant of the Königliche Schauspiele
1888Premieres of Das Reingold and Götterdämmerung by the Königliche Oper
1888 12 OctoberSingakademie reopens with organ added, electric light
1888 January 26Karl Halir plays the Brahms and Tchaikovsky Violin Concertos on one concert, is poorly received
1888 February 6Premiere of Brahms, Double Concerto at the Philharmonic
1888 FebruaryRichard Strauss conducts Philharmonic
1888 February 8Tchaikovsky conducts Philharmonic
1888 October 5Renovated Philharmonie opens
1889 JanuaryGrieg conducts Philharmonic Peer Gynt
1889 March 250-year anniversary of Joachim’s first performance
1889 March 4Brahms conducts 1st piano concerto, Bülow playing
1889 March 6Bülow conducts Beethoven’s 9th twice on one concert
1888 March 9Death of Kaiser Wilhelm I
1889 MayJoachim moves to Bendlerstrasse 17
1888 June 15Death of Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm
1889 SeptemberSibelius arrives to study with Albert Becker
1889 OctoberPiano Trio series of Barth, de Ahna and Hausmann become “popular” (cheaper)
1889 October 28Dvorak conducts his D minor Symphony at the Philharmonic
1890 January 31Strauss’s Don Juan at the Philharmonic
1890 December 10Brahms’s Op. 111 String Quintet has its Berlin premiere
1891 February 23Tod und Verklärung at the Philharmonic, Strauss conducting
1891 May 31Weingartner debut with the Philharmonic
1891 June 2Tonkünstlerversammlung in Berlin
1891 December 5Mozart celebration in Berlin
1891 December 12Brahms Clarinet Quintet and Trio premiere
1891 December 14Gedenkfeier for Helmholz
1892 October 3Bechstein Hall dedication, with Brahms
1892 November 1Death of Henrich de Ahna, 2nd violinist of the Joachim Quartet
1893 January 9Mottl conducts Philharmonic
1893 FebruaryEdvard Munch is in Berlin
1893 FebruaryPianists Clotilde Kleeberg, Teresa Carreño-d’Albert, Moritz Rosenthal give concerts
1893Gerhart Hauptmann’s Die Weber premiere
1893 May 4Pfitzner conducts his music at the Philharmonic
1893Conservatories of Klindworth and Scharwenka combine
1893 AprilBerlin premiere of Falstaff
1893 October 22Premiere of “Nora” by Ibsen (A Doll’s House)
1893 December 29Siegfried Wagner conducts Philharmonic
1894 February 12Death of Hans von Bülow
1894 April 13death of Phillip Spitta
1894 NovemberWilly Burmester plays an all Paganini concert, causes a sensation
1895Wolff writes that ticket sales for the Philharmonic still aren’t even paying for the concert hall rental
1895 October 14Arthur Nikisch becomes principal conductor of the Philharmonic
1895 January 28Philharmonic debut of Josef Hofmann, 8 years old
1895 MarchWorld Premiere at Philharmonic of Mahler, 2nd Symphony (1st 3 movements)
1896 JanuaryLast visit of Brahms
1896Berlin debut of pianist Waldemar Lütschg
1896 March 2Leopold Auer plays the Beethoven concerto with the Philharmonic
1896 February 17Frederic Lamond plays Tchaikovsky concerto with the Philharmonic
1896Theater des Westens opens as an opera venue
1897 JanuaryWanda Landowska concert
1897Carl Hair joins the Joachim Quartet
1897The 10-year-old Arthur Rubinstein starts piano lessons with Heinrich Barth
1897 April 3Death of Brahms
1897 April 22Joachim Quartet concert all Brahms
1897 April 24Brahms Requiem
1897 May 7Memorial concert for Brahms by the Joachim Quartet (Harry Graf Kessler in attendance)
1897 summerMusical Courier starts a controversy about Heinrich Barth as a piano teacher
1898Waldemar Meyer Quartet starts giving regular concerts
1898 AprilBenefit for Mozart-Haydn-Beethoven Denkmal
1898 July 30Death of Bismarck
1898Richard Strauss becomes Hofkapellmeister of the Königliche Oper
1898 September 20Death of Theodor Fontane
1898Max Lieberman founds the Berlin Secession
1898First edition of Moser’s biography, Joseph Joachim. Ein Lebensbild
1898Artur Schnabel moves to Berlin
1899 March 1760-year anniversary of Joachim’s first performance
1899 April 22Festival concert at Hochschule with Joachim’s former students making up the orchestra
1899 JanuaryBeethoven Saal built on to the Philharmonie
1899 February 3Death of Amalie Joachim
1899Stern Conservatory moves to Philharmonie location
1900 January 23Nellie Melba in concert with Joachim
1900Sibelius in Berlin for concerts
1900 May 20Sousa’s band plays at Kroll’s; 23 encores
1900 OctoberJoachim moves to West Berlin, Grolmanstr. 41
1900 October 9Death of Heinrich von Herzogenberg
1900Cezanne exhibition sponsored by Paul Cassirer causes the Kaiser’s wrath
1900Joachim is not marrying Nellie Melba
1901Bismarck Denkmal finished, Pergamon Museum opens
1901Geraldine Ferrar engaged by the Berlin Königlichen Oper for 3 years
1902 JanuaryDonald Francis Tovey gives 4 concerts in Berlin
1902 JanuaryWeingartner conducts Bruckner 8
1902 February 3Death of Hermann Wolff
1902 June600th performance at the Oper of Don Giovanni
1902 November 16Reinhardt stages Wilde’s Salome
1902 November 2Official opening of the new Hochschule complex in Charlottenburg
1902 DecemberNo more trams are drawn by horses, all electrical; first “autobuses” the following year
1903 AugustJoachim makes recordings
1903 SeptemberWagner Monument unveiled in the Tiergarten
1905 JanuarySibelius conducts his 2nd Symphony
1905 JanuaryCasals in Berlin
1905Joachim with Moser publishes his Violin Method; 3rd ed. Of Joachim’s biography; Fuller-Maitland book on Joachim
1905Debut of Enrico Caruso at Theater des Westens
1905 February 9Adolph Menzel dies; at their concert that evening the Joachim Quartet plays the Cavatina from Op. 130 for him
1905 February 27Opening of the Berliner Dom
1906 FebruaryHausmann plays Beethoven Cello Sonatas with Dohnányi
1906 OctoberHandel festival in Berlin
1907 April 6Joachim Quartet’s last concert in Berlin
1907 OctoberBlüthner Hall, Klindworth-Scharwenka Hall, and Choralian Hall open
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