Joachim’s student Johann Kruse, Part 2: Nellie Melba

“Do you hear anything of Kruse? He never writes, and I long to know something about him.”–11 June 1900 In Joachim’s letters to his London brother Henry and his wife Ellen, Johann Kruse comes up over twenty times, far more than any other former student. (These letters are transcribed and available online on the Brahms … Read more

25 April 1907

Tenor Hans Buff-Giessen’s second concert of contemporary Lieder with the composers Kurt Striegler and Richard Strauss participating. Concert by Wladimir Cernikoff, piano. Born in Paris in 1882, he settled in London in 1907. Was said to be friends with Diaghilev. He wrote a memoir called Humor and Harmony in 1936, and died in 1940. Singakademie The Königliche … Read more

27 March 1907

The 25th anniversary of the Loewe-Verein is being observed with a concert put on by bass-baritone Hermann Gura (1870-1944), the son of the Wagnerian singer Eugen Gura, who was part of the original 1876 Bayreuth festival and became a legendary Hans Sachs. Hermann Gura is a known “Loewe apostle.” (Die Musik noted approvingly that he … Read more

25 March 1907

The annual Philharmonic’s benefit concert for the musicians’ pension fund is tonight (a worthy cause!). Lilli Lehmann is singing Mozart and Wagner, and there is a new tone poem by Wladimir Metzl. “Die versunkene Glocke” is based on the play by Gerhart Hauptmann. Besides this last concert of the Philharmonics’s subscription series, there is a … Read more