Tchaikovsky made me do it

An addendum to the subject of the last post on Joachim’s student Lili Schober Petschnikoff. Lili’s memoir tells of her whirlwind engagement to violinist Alexander Petschnikoff, who had become famous almost overnight after his debut in Berlin in October of 1895. She describes in her own unique language the first time she heard him: He … Read more

Profiles of Joachim’s students: 1. Joseph Kotek

“It’s perfect now,” Kotek said. “It’s fine, it’s beautiful!” “You played it beautifully,” Peter Ilych said, with his arm around Kotek’s shoulder. “You could play it in public at a moment’s notice, my friend.”“Really, Peter Ilych? Do you really think so?” Kotek’s young sensitive face flushed almost scarlet with pride and gratitude. But presently he … Read more