Hausmann family trees

the relationship of Georg and Robert The singer Marie Hausmann (Robert’s sister) and the singer Marie Hausmann (Robert’s cousin

Georg Hausmann and Beethoven’s chamber music

Chamber Works by Beethoven in performances that included Georg Hausmann Cello Sonatas (unspecified) (Vienna, 1858) Trio (unspecified) (London, April 1839, Bath, 1850) Op. 1 #3 C minor Piano Trio (London, 1843; 1856 with Ludwig Ries; 1856, Leeds with Blagrove) Op. 18 #1 (Bath, 1850) Op. 18 #3 (1853) Op. 18 #4 (December 1841, Brighton Quartet … Read more

The musical Hausmann family

Not only were the cousins Georg and Robert Hausmann both professional cellists who played the same cello with some of the same people in the same places, Robert’s sister Marie was a singer who had a cousin Marie who was also a singer. Robert’s sister Marie was born in 1847. She studied singing with Julius … Read more

Hausmann Heights

In 1852 The Musical World responded to a reader’s question as to the respective heights of George Hausmann and the double bass virtuoso Giovanni Bottesini (1821-1889). There don’t seem to be any pictures of George, but there are many photographs of Bottesini. This trait seems to have run in the family: Robert Hausmann was 1,90 … Read more

Georg Hausmann and Joseph Joachim

There is no mention of Georg Hausmann in Joachim’s biography or published letters, even though Joseph Joachim must have known Georg well. They met in 1844 in London when they performed Mendelssohn’s D minor trio with the composer at the piano. This was part of Joachim’s sensational debut in London as a 13-year-old prodigy. Another … Read more

Georg Hausmann’s missing history

It seems that during Robert Hausmann’s lifetime, almost no one acknowledged that Georg had ever existed. He is not mentioned in Bernhard’s long, detailed memoirs that he published at the end of his life in 1873, his Erinnerungen aus dem 80 jährigen Leben eines hannoverschen Bürgers (Hannover, 1873). Nor does he come up in Hermann … Read more