The 1840s in Berlin: Mendelssohn and Meyerbeer

There were few signs that the Berlin of the first half of the nineteenth century would become a world capital of music by century’s end. Musicians didn’t like the city, especially the ones who had lived and worked there, such as Meyerbeer and Mendelssohn. Common complaints centered around Berlin being conservative, unwilling to try anything … Read more

Fatal fantasy women

Do you know the story of the admirably accomplished Hofrat Dr. Alois Obrist? As a teenager in the 1880s, he studied at the conservatory in Weimar, where he fell under the spell of the Liszt circle, especially the composer Eduard Lassen. The serious Swiss excelled in many areas of music. He continued his composition lessons … Read more

27 April 1907

There are two concerts: Renata Hermes, recitation of Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, and pianist Patrick O’Sullivan, playing Bach, Schubert, Chopin, and Sullivan-Liszt. Breslaurs Conservatorium is giving its 21st annual student performances in the Falk-Realgymnasium. The summer season of the Neue Königliches Operntheater, aka the Kroll Theater, under the direction of J. Ferenczy, begins tonight with Tausend … Read more

24 April 1907

The last Philharmonic popular concert of the season is tonight. It includes Beethoven’s 5th and Tchaikovsky’s 5th. The conductor August Scharrer is stepping down after three years. Arthur Abell speculates that during that time Scharrer has conducted 1000 concerts. Ernst Kunwald will be his successor, and after five years, he too will move on. It … Read more

22 April 1907

The Singakademie’s last subscription concert, conducted by Georg Schumann, has five Bach cantatas on the program: “Der Geist hilft,” “Aus der Tiefe,” “Dem Gerechten muss das Licht,” “Ich elender Mensch,” and “Nun ist das Heil.” The other concert is the Chorus of the Königliche Oper, conducted by Hugo Rüdel, with soloists Emmy Destinn, Robert Philipp, … Read more

21 April 1907

ConcertsThe baritone Hermann Gura is giving a Goethe-Loewe-Abend. He gave a Loewe-Abend last month also, on 27 March.The Mozart-Saal Orchester is giving a popular waltz concert.The Philharmonic’s popular concert features soloists Witek and Reitz.The Sing-Akademie’s noontime dress rehearsal of their final concert of the season consists of five Bach cantatas.Opera/OperettaSalome is at the Königliche Oper, … Read more