“Nanté,” or Music Criticism in the 1840s

The further we go back in time, the more obvious how arbitrary our knowledge of the past is. Most information about concerts comes from the press: newspapers and music journals provide the names, dates, and programs. For the most part, the news about performers and performances centered around opera, but that started to change once … Read more

Profiles of Joachim’s students: 1. Joseph Kotek

“It’s perfect now,” Kotek said. “It’s fine, it’s beautiful!” “You played it beautifully,” Peter Ilych said, with his arm around Kotek’s shoulder. “You could play it in public at a moment’s notice, my friend.”“Really, Peter Ilych? Do you really think so?” Kotek’s young sensitive face flushed almost scarlet with pride and gratitude. But presently he … Read more

22 April 1907

The Singakademie’s last subscription concert, conducted by Georg Schumann, has five Bach cantatas on the program: “Der Geist hilft,” “Aus der Tiefe,” “Dem Gerechten muss das Licht,” “Ich elender Mensch,” and “Nun ist das Heil.” The other concert is the Chorus of the Königliche Oper, conducted by Hugo Rüdel, with soloists Emmy Destinn, Robert Philipp, … Read more

21 April 1907

ConcertsThe baritone Hermann Gura is giving a Goethe-Loewe-Abend. He gave a Loewe-Abend last month also, on 27 March.The Mozart-Saal Orchester is giving a popular waltz concert.The Philharmonic’s popular concert features soloists Witek and Reitz.The Sing-Akademie’s noontime dress rehearsal of their final concert of the season consists of five Bach cantatas.Opera/OperettaSalome is at the Königliche Oper, … Read more

12 April 1907

OPERA NEWS As I predicted, last night’s premiere of Théodora by Xavier Leroux was not a success. Leopold Schmidt mentioned the costumes and sets, the interesting portrayal of Justinian by Renaud, and the presence of an animated Kaiser in the royal box, again with Prince Albert of Monaco. But Max Marschalk did not hold back … Read more

11 April 1907

The Monte Carlo Opera Company presents Théodora, by Xavier Leroux (1863-1919), with the composer conducting this Berlin premiere. I have a feeling the Berlin critics are not going to like it! Last month there was a concert of composers from Warsaw, and last week there was a Russian music concert. Tonight Jan Ingenhoven is leading … Read more

10 April 1907

Chamber Music by Brahms The Piano Trio of Heinrich Barth, Emanuel Wirth, and Robert Hausmann gives its last concert, with guests Carl Halir, Karl Klingler, and Richard Mühlfeld. (This is the postponed Brahms memorial concert from 28 March. Mühlfeld is a last-minute cancellation and is replaced by Otto Schubert.) The C major Piano Trio, the … Read more