Strauss and Mahler in concert in Berlin–on the same day

Richard Strauss accompanied his own lieder on the piano as part of an all Strauss concert on 14 February 1907 in the Beethovensaal. On the same day there was a “Mahler Abend” at the Künstlerhaus, where the composer himself accompanied Johannes Messchaert’s recital of a total of eighteen lieder: “Kindertotenlieder,” “Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen,” four Rückert … Read more

Three Berlin critics on Mahler’s Third Symphony in 1907

Premiere in Berlin of the Symphony No. 3 in D Minor, 14 January, Gustav Mahler conducting the Berlin Philharmonic. Decadence (E.E. Taubert in Die Musik) That Mahler is a brilliant virtuoso in the treatment of the orchestra is known–to me he is even bolder than Richard Strauss in that respect. He strikes an entirely new … Read more