29 April 1907

On the 25th Anniversary concert of the Berlin Philharmonic this evening, Jeanette Grumbacher-de Jong and Anton Sistermans are the soloists for the Brahms Requiem. The second concert tomorrow will have all the pomp and circumstance of a “Festgedicht” by Carl Wittkowsky, declaimed by the actress Rosa Poppe. Arthur Nikisch conducts the Brahms Symphony no. 1 … Read more

28 April 1907

The Berlin Philharmonic is 25 years old The last major event of the year starts today at noon, with the first of two concerts commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Philharmonic Orchestra. Today is the Hauptprobe matinée; the soloists will be different for the performance tomorrow evening. The program is made up of the 3 … Read more

24 April 1907

The last Philharmonic popular concert of the season is tonight. It includes Beethoven’s 5th and Tchaikovsky’s 5th. The conductor August Scharrer is stepping down after three years. Arthur Abell speculates that during that time Scharrer has conducted 1000 concerts. Ernst Kunwald will be his successor, and after five years, he too will move on. It … Read more

This job is killing me (at the Philharmonic)

In order to survive in their first decades, the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra had to play concerts almost every day during the concert season of October through April. Their four months of summer season in Holland at the seaside was even more rigorous, with concerts twice a day. After reading that the conductor Joseph Rebicek died … Read more

Joachim’s importance for orchestras

Joachim’s students as orchestral players Joachim was a critical force in the first decades of the Berlin Philharmonic. He contributed important administrative and organizational assistance and served as one of the <strong><a href=”https://www.berliner-philharmoniker.de/geschichte/anfang/#event-joseph-joachim-dirigiert”>main conductors</a> </strong>of the orchestra from 1882-1887. Perhaps just as importantly, his fame attracted string players to Berlin at a time when there … Read more

The Berlin Philharmonic’s insane concert schedule

The first season of the Philharmonic began in 1887 with ten subscription concerts conducted by Hans von Bülow. The popular concerts also began at this time. Not only did the orchestra play these three times a week, but they were often hired by soloists who wanted to play concertos, or by conductors wanting to conduct.The … Read more