Fatal fantasy women

Do you know the story of the admirably accomplished Hofrat Dr. Alois Obrist? As a teenager in the 1880s, he studied at the conservatory in Weimar, where he fell under the spell of the Liszt circle, especially the composer Eduard Lassen. The serious Swiss excelled in many areas of music. He continued his composition lessons … Read more

28 April 1907

The Berlin Philharmonic is 25 years old The last major event of the year starts today at noon, with the first of two concerts commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Philharmonic Orchestra. Today is the Hauptprobe matinée; the soloists will be different for the performance tomorrow evening. The program is made up of the 3 … Read more

19 April 1907

The only concert tonight is a popular concert of the Mozart-Saal Orchestra. The program is all Beethoven: Overture to the Creatures of Prometheus, the third Leonore Overture, and the complete music to Goethe’s Egmont. The Philharmonic did the Egmont music on a popular concert just two days ago! I wonder what is going on. (The … Read more

12 April 1907

OPERA NEWS As I predicted, last night’s premiere of Théodora by Xavier Leroux was not a success. Leopold Schmidt mentioned the costumes and sets, the interesting portrayal of Justinian by Renaud, and the presence of an animated Kaiser in the royal box, again with Prince Albert of Monaco. But Max Marschalk did not hold back … Read more

10 April 1907

Chamber Music by Brahms The Piano Trio of Heinrich Barth, Emanuel Wirth, and Robert Hausmann gives its last concert, with guests Carl Halir, Karl Klingler, and Richard Mühlfeld. (This is the postponed Brahms memorial concert from 28 March. Mühlfeld is a last-minute cancellation and is replaced by Otto Schubert.) The C major Piano Trio, the … Read more