22 April 1907

The Singakademie’s last subscription concert, conducted by Georg Schumann, has five Bach cantatas on the program: “Der Geist hilft,” “Aus der Tiefe,” “Dem Gerechten muss das Licht,” “Ich elender Mensch,” and “Nun ist das Heil.” The other concert is the Chorus of the Königliche Oper, conducted by Hugo Rüdel, with soloists Emmy Destinn, Robert Philipp, … Read more

21 April 1907

ConcertsThe baritone Hermann Gura is giving a Goethe-Loewe-Abend. He gave a Loewe-Abend last month also, on 27 March.The Mozart-Saal Orchester is giving a popular waltz concert.The Philharmonic’s popular concert features soloists Witek and Reitz.The Sing-Akademie’s noontime dress rehearsal of their final concert of the season consists of five Bach cantatas.Opera/OperettaSalome is at the Königliche Oper, … Read more

26 March 1907

Today is Tuesday. Mendelssohn’s Paulus at the cavernous Zoo Ausstellungshalle is a fund raiser for the widows and orphans from the shipwreck of the Berlin steamer last month. 300 musicians will be taking part, with the main solos sung by Emilie Herzog and Alexander Heinemann. Holy Week concerts begin with the St John Passion; soloists … Read more