Concerts in March and April 1907

March Highlights

  • In March there were 135 concerts, of which there were 25 piano, 19 orchestral, 16 chamber, 9 violin, and 33 voice recitals. There were 16 choral concerts, more than usual because of Easter on March 31. During Holy Week there were performances of both Mendelssohn oratorios and both Bach Passions. There were four Bach cantatas on the Philharmonic Choir’s last concert of the season (March 4th). A special “monster” performance of Mendelssohn’s Paulus with about 300 performers was held in the Zoological Garten’s Exhibition Hall as a benefit for the victims of the shipwreck in February (26th).
  • Singing Societies: Besides the Philharmonic Choir, Berlin choral organizations performing in March included the Singakademie, which did two performances of the St. Matthew Passion, the St. Ursula Frauen Chor (3rd), the Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtnis Kirche Chor (6th), the Rykestrasse Synagogenchor (10th), the Caecilia-Melodia Männergesangverein (11th) the Erck’schen Männergesangverein (12th), the Lehrer-Gesangverein (14th), and the Berliner Liedertafel (7th, 19th).
  • Premieres: March 11: The premiere of Hans Pfitzner’s incidental music to Käthchen von Heilbronn was not a success. On the same Philharmonic concert, Eugène Ysaÿe played two violin concertos by Saint-Saëns (A major and b minor).
  • Christian Sinding’s Symphony No. 2 in D major, which was on the Königliche Kapelle’s concert on the 22nd, was also a disappointment. Sinding has written much, much better music that this, wrote E.E. Taubert in Die Musik.
  • Gregor Fitelberg put on a concert of all new music by young composers from Warsaw on the 21st, which included his own Symphony in One Movement, op. 20 and his “Tondichtung nach Gorki,” “Das Lied vom Falken,” Op. 18, and Szymanowski’s Symphonic Fragment, Op. 15.
  • More violinists: Henri Marteau was also in town and premiered a violin concerto by Lauber with the New Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Fritz Steinbach (4th).
  • The sixteen-year-old student of Marteau, Florizel von Reuter, gave two concerts in March and four more in April (!). On one of the concerts he also conducted his own tone poem “Attila.”
  • Alexander Sebald (1869-1934), a Hungarian violinist, accomplished the feat of playing all 24 Paganini Caprices on the 26th.
  • Pianists: Alfred Reisenauer (2nd) and Eugen d’Albert (15th) played the Brahms Handel Variations, while the Brahms Paganini Variations were on the programs of Ignaz Friedman (11th) and Leopold Godowsky (15th). More pianistic excess: on the evening of March 15 there were 5 pianists simultaneously giving concerts (Leopold Godowsky, Therese Slottko, Felicitas Reifmann, Alberto Jonas, and Eugen d’Albert).
  • Grand Dames: March 22: The pianist Teresa Carreño (1853-1917) gave a single recital this year in Berlin, with pieces by Edward MacDowell and Smetana. Her performance was marveled at as youthful and stylish, and as technically powerful as ever. She had made her debut with the Philharmonic in 1889, and gave her last performance there on March 24, 1916, when she played a concert of three concertos: the Tchaikovsky b minor, Chopin e minor and Liszt E-flat.
  • March 25: The 59-year-old Lilli Lehmann sang Isolde’s” Liebestod” and Constanze’s “Marter aller Artern” at the Philharmonic’s benefit concert.

April highlights

April was the final, frantic month of the winter concert season: the subscription series of the orchestral, choral, and chamber groups mostly concluded in March. In April traveling groups, special events, and concerts put on by individuals continued, but even these dried up by May. This concert calendar, which squeezed nearly a thousand concerts into six or seven months, was not standard in Europe. In April there were 77 concerts, almost half the number of the previous month.

Signs of the end of an era

Several chamber music concerts commemorated the tenth anniversary of the death of Brahms. One of these, on March 28th, turned out to be the last concert of the Piano Trio of Heinrich Barth, Emanuel Wirth, and Robert Hausmann. This group’s subscription concerts had begun in 1878, almost thirty years earlier. Wirth had been out for most of 1906 and the beginning of 1907 while undergoing two eye operations, but was able to return for this last concert.1Wirth retired from the Hochschule in 1910. Their program included the Brahms C major Piano Trio, op. 87, which the Trio had been the first to perform in Berlin in 1883.

Richard Mühlfeld, who had just two months to live, was supposed to be the soloist for the Clarinet Quintet and Clarinet Trio on this concert. He is pictured here with Robert Hausmann; in 1891 they were part of the premiere of both works.

The final concert of the season by the Joachim Quartet (6th) also turned out to be their last. Joachim died in August, and both Hausmann and Halir died of heart attacks in the next two years, while still in their fifties.

  • April 3 and 9: The singer-actor Ludwig Wüllner gave concerts with his accompanist Coenraad Bos, but on these occasions he played violin. The first commemorated Brahms’s death with the three Violin Sonatas. The multi-talented son of the conductor Franz Wüllner performed violin sonatas by Mozart, Beethoven, and his father on the second concert.
  • April 12 and 14: Edvard Grieg conducted the Philharmonic in two concerts of his music. The soloists were Ellen Gulbranson, Rosa Bertens, and pianist Halfdan Cleve.It was the last time he would visit Berlin; he died in September.
  • April 20: Pietro Mascagni, a favorite of the Kaiser, conducted the Philharmonic, with a program of his own music and Beethoven’s Fifth.
  • April 29 and 30: the 25th anniversary concerts of the Philharmonic featured the “three B’s”: on the first there was a Bach cantata, the Brahms German Requiem, and the Beethoven “Emperor” Piano Concerto. The second had Arthur Nikisch conducting Brahms’s First and Beethoven’s Ninth as a single concert.

PerformerDateInstrumentComposerCritics' CommentsLocation
Phil. Trio01 MarchChamberV. AbendPhilharmonie
Else Gipser01 MarchPianoRegerhard dry and lifelessBP 14.1.1904
Betty Tennenbaum01 MarchViolinBach E major, Bruch Scottish Fantasy, Vieuxtemps (d minor)not yet mature, called “Flumenbaum” in Signale; Phil orchBeethovensaal
Lilli Lehmann01 MarchVoiceSchubert, SchumannPhilharmonie
Sydney Biden01 MarchVoice2nd; Courier feature; from Missouri, based in ChicagoSingakademie; on a NYPhil concert 2/27/1910; BP 22.12.1910; BP 1916
Gerhard Gschjederup02 MarchComposerRichard Sahla, cond. Elsa Schjelderup; Positive impression (BBZ)Singakademie
Alfred Reisenauer02 MarchPianoBrahms, Bach, Liszt, Handel var., Beethoven4th and last of seriesBechstein
Florizel von Reuter02 MarchViolinTchaikovskyMozartsaal orch., Marteau’s student
he is very promising, he also conducted his own tone poem Atala
Philharmonisches Chor Hauptprobe03 MarchChoral
St. Ursula Frauen Chor03 MarchChoral
Phil Orch Pop Concert03 MarchPops
Henri Marteau Hauptprobe03 MarchOrchLauber (MS), Brahms, BeethovenNew Philharmonic orchestra, Steinbach conductingMozartsaal; BP 13.11.1890
Betsy Schot03 MarchVoiceSecession Ku'DammBP 1.11.1897
Jadwiga Cukier, piano Hermann Solomonoff, violin04 MarchChamberDvorak, Philipp ScharwenkaEigenartigesBechstein
Philharmonic Choir04 MarchChoralBach4 Bach cantatas; Messchaert
4th New Philharmonic Orch. Concert Henri Marteau04 MarchOrchBrahms 4, BeethovenSteinbach conducting
Lauber concerto for violin for first time, in MS
Emmy Rintelen voice and Lilli von Roy-Höhnen, piano05 MarchMixedKahnsinger much better than pianistSingakademie
Marta Behnke-Sellin and Sergei von Bortkiewicz05 MarchMixedHis own piano music op 3 and op 4 is eclectiche has good technique, she was dilettantish,BP 2.4.1906
Anton Foerster05 MarchPianoBeethoven, Liszt, Chopin, Schubertalso april 13 (teaches at K-S)
Tina Lerner05 MarchPianoHandel, Rameau-Godowsky, Schumann, Chopin, Scriabin, Liszt
Galerie für alte u neue Kunst, Wilhelmstr. 45
very promising talent, 16 yrs old
Phil Orch Pop Concert05 MarchPops
Florian Zajic and H. Grünfeld, da Motta06 MarchChamberBrahms, Beethoven Trio op. 70Elena Gerhardt, Nikisch, Fridolin K.
José Vianna da Motta, op. 25
Gerhardt BP 7.4.1905
Kaiser Wilhelm Ged. Kirchen Chor06 MarchChoral
Frederic Lamond06 MarchPianoBeethovenMozartsaal
Greta Benser-Bruhn06 MarchPianoOberlichtsaal you can’t be serious
Jenny Behrens, blind pianist06 MarchPianoecht musikalisch
Phil Orch Pop Concert06 MarchPops
Julia Culp06 MarchVoiceWolf3rd concertBP 22.1.1904
Alfred Steinmann orchestra Abend07 MarchMixedno proof of a talent for conductingMozartsaal orch.
Gertrud Scheibel07 MarchPiano
Maximilian Ronis07 MarchViolinBruch, Bach, Chopin With Julius Wolfson, piano; Ronis said to be 16
these two are just reaching adulthood
Beethovensaal; BP 1.4.1910
Berliner Liedertafel07 MarchChoralSchubert, HegarFranz Wagner, cond., S. Dessoir
Johannes Messchaert07 MarchVoiceKahn3rd with Kahn at pianoSingakademie; BP 31.1.1893
Karl and Max Krämer08 MarchChamber10 and 12 yrs old, piano and violinOberlichtsaal
Marie Dubois08 MarchPiano(echt French, plays programs of old and new French music; Niemann)Bechstein; BP 21.3.1908
Henri Marteau08 MarchViolinBrahms, DvorakBenefit Dvorak concerto
Mozartsaal orchestra
Elisabeth Schumann08 MarchVoice2ndBP 16.10.1903; 7.3.1921
Vereinigen K-W-G Kirchen Chores08 March MixedAdalbert Gülzow played Hermann Goetz VC
Otto Ehlers, piano
VIII. K.K. Weingartner09 MarchMixedKaunDrei einfache Stücke fur Streichorchester
Marcella Lindh9 Mar9 pm 2nd soireeFrench songsGalerie fur alte und neue Kunst:
Alfred Reisenauer09 MarchPianoBeethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, LisztWanderer FantasieBeethovensaal
Fritz Hirt09 MarchViolinTchaikovsky, Bach, Paganinigood technique and beautiful tone, young geiger
with Delly Friedland
Martha Kempner-Hochstädt09 MarchVoiceMelodrama3rd, Architetkten Haus
Paul Schmedes09 MarchVoiceSchubert, Wolf, Strauss, Brahmsan intelligent tenor—what an exception to the ruleBP 28.3.1903; BP in 1915
Richard Strauss Abend09 MarchVoiceStraussPauline and Richard
Mostly new or unpublished lieder
now the ad is for Lula Mysz-Gmeiner
Synagogenchores Rykestrasse10 MarchChoralKaunAlex. Weinbaum, cond.Paula Weinbaum alto and Wittenberg, violin
Phil Orch Pop Concert10 MarchPops
Sven Scholander10 MarchVoiceFrom Stockholm, sings, jokes, plays luteBechstein
Rose Kahn with Myrtle Elvyn11 MarMixedDeep soprano needs training, Myrtle only showed dexterity; she needs to figure out the difference between no expression and full of expression
Caecilia-Melodia Männergesangverein11 MarchChoralWith Annie BremerBeethovensaal
Philharmonic with Ysaye11 MarchOrchSaint-SaensPfitzner, Käthchen von Heilbronn music
2 concertos by SS a major and b minor
Ignaz Friedman11 MarchPianoBeethoven, Brahms, LisztPaganini variations (3rd)
Waldemar Meyer Quartet12 MarchChamberGoldmark piano quintetLeontine de Ahna and Richard Burmeister
Erck’schen Männergesangverein12 MarchChoral
Marix Loevensohn, cello, Ysaye cond.12 MarchMixedHaydn, Schumann, Saint SaensTemperamentvoll cellist, often too dry tone
not secure in his technique, plenty of wrong notes, the very subjective performance is empfindungsvoll
Ysaye is underappreciated as a conductor
Phil Orch Pop Concert12 MarchPops
Alwin Hahn12 MarchVoicebenefit for the Berlin catastrophe
Berta Bloch-Jahr12 MarchVoiceFranz, Gernsheim, Jensen, RubinsteinBechstein
Phil Orch Pop Concert13 MarchPops
Florizel von Reuter13 MarchViolinBrahms, Bruch Scottish fantasy3rd, Mozart Orchestra not up to the Brahms yet
Elisabeth Gerasch13 MarchVoiceSchubert, Brahmswas originally 6 feb
did not do much to make one interested, not a pleasant voice
Helene Staegemann13 MarchVoice2nd, Bruno Hinze-Reinhold, piano
Rosa Olitzka13 MarchVoiceHandel, Bach, etc.her voice is still strong, interesting programBP 6.12.1889
Lehrer-Gesangverein14 MarchChoralPaula Stebel, piano, Felix SchmidtSchmidt BP 5.5.1882
Verein für klassische Kirchenmusik14 MarchChoralBargiel Violin Sonata by ElgersConducted by Professor Thiel Dora Moran, Paul Elgers, Martin Grabert, Jos. FitzenPalestrina was good but the others were not classical church music
Elite concert14 MarchMixedSchubert, Reger, Wolf, BrahmsLula Mysz Gmeiner, with D’Albert, Scheidemantel; Last
Emerich Stefaniai14 MarchPianoLiszt B minor, Brahms F minor, Schumann Fantasy2ndAccompanying Burmester 1911 (DM)
Susanne Dessoir14 MarchVoicepopular VolksliederabendBruno HInze-Reinhold
Wina BerlinMarch 14PianoBeethoven Emperor, Saint-Saenswith Phil. Orch. Memory lapse in Chopin nocturne
Alberto Jonas15 Mar 07PianoRaff, Grieg, LisztAt Hochschule charity concert with Joan ManénBP 6.11.1891
Berliner Damen-Vokalquartett15 MarchMixed
Eugen d’Albert V.15 MarchPianoBrahms, Handel var., F m sonata, Sinding in Volkston op. 32 no. 4, Rubinstein, Tausig, Raff, Grieg, Raff
Felicitas Reifmann15 MarchPianoBrahms, Chopin, SchubertPhil orch.Herman Behr conducting (his BP debut) Brahms d minor, chopin e minor
schubert unfinished her debut, Schnabel student
Should have waited longer to play the Brahms
Leopold Godowsky15 MarchPianoBeethoven, Brahms, Chopin“einziger popular Abend” op. 57, Paganini Var., all the Chopin preludes
Therese Slottko15 MarchPianoBach, Brahms, Chopin, Liszt2ndBP 16.2.
Carmela u.Grazia Carbone15 MarchVoicevery well done, soprano and alto, Klara Krause, acc.
Dessau Quartet16 MarchChamberSchubertSchubert Abend, Octet
B-flat Trio with Reisenauer—he left the lid up and couldn’t hear the strings
Trio of sisters Pasmore16 MarchChamberBrahms op. 8, Schumann Op. 88,Haydn G major Trio
susanne, mary violin, dorothy cello
piano trio played by heart
Brahms B major Trio, from San Francisco, now living here
Louis Edger16 MarchPianoBeethoven c minor, d’Albert E major, Liszt, Spanish rhapsodyToo weich, only sees the foreground; but Courier loved him: American da Motta student
d’Albert conducted his E major concerto, his debut
Beethovensaal; phil orch;
Holländische Trio17 MarchChamberBrahms, Mendelssohn5th and Letzte with Anna Wüllnersche Frauen-Chor
Popular Phil Concert17 MarchPopsGesterkamp and Reitz soloists, Scharrer
5th New Philharmonic Orchestra18 MarchMixedBeethoven, Pastoral, Liszt, Tasso; Mozart arias and Liszt Lieder were the best (DM)Stavenhagen cond., Erika Wedekind MC: didn’t go wellBallet from Hasse Pyramus and Thisbe
Ignaz Friedman and Konrad von Zamowski18 MarchMixedKonrad Zawilowski baritone Wiener OperBechstein
Nellie Curzon Smith18 MarchPianoBrahms, Handel var., f minor sonatawith Joachim assisting (he was still recovering in Vienna Klingler took over)
Else Schünemann18 MarchVoiceWolf, Brahmsnot in good voice
Lydia Illya18 MarchVoiceBeethovensaal
Berliner Liedertafel19 MarchChoralDessoir
Arthur Egidi, organ19 MarchMixedAll RegerApostel Paulus Kirche; Anna Stephan, Fanny OpferAnna 31.3.1890; Arthur 4.12.1899 (organ)
Philharmonic Popular Concert19 MarchPops
Carlotta Stubenrauch19 MarchViolinGrieg, S-S, Tchaik, Liszt piano solosTalented
Bruno HInze-Reinhold
BP 10.11.1899
Dr James Simon, Alfred Wittenberg19 MarchViolinSchumann, Mozart, GriegBP 17.2.1913
Lula Mysz-Gmeiner19 MarchVoiceSchubert, Wolf, Reger, BrahmsBP 16.11.1896
Marcella Lindh19 MarchVoiceFranzosischer Abend
Carl Stabernack, harmonium
Erich J. Wolff piano
Galerie fur alte und neue Kunst: new place for concerts
Brahms Piano Quartets20 MarchChamberBrahmsFelicia Dietrich-Kirchdorffer, Piano, Wietrowetz Q , Erna Schulz subbed for Gabriele and another guy played viola
3 piano quartets
Halir Trio20 MarchChamberKahn, Volkmann, BeethovenRobert Kahn Violin sonata in MSSingakademie; Kahn BP in 1917
Ludwig Hess and Karl Friedberg20 MarchChamberSchubert3rdBeethovensaal
Aurelia Cionca20 MarchPianoChopin, Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, LisztPromising, extraordinarily secure, (Rumanian, student of Reisenauer; Niemann)Bechstein
Philharmonic Popular Concert20 MarchPops
Mary Münchhoff20 MarchVoicehas not attained the technique for the coloratura fach, needs workBP 4.11.1899
Alessandro Certani and Otto Klemperer21 MarchMixedPorpora, Nardini, Veracinifirst performance from old Italian manuscripts
the orchestra was not free of problems
these works are not going to awaken interest in old music biz
Mozartsaal; BP 24.2.1910
Gregor Fitelberg21 MarchMixedHis “Das Lied vom Falken”composers from Warsaw
phil orch
Beethovensaal; BP 30.3.1906
Marianne Heinemann21 MarchPianod'Albert, Schumann, Beethoven, Chopingood BBZ; shouldn’t be giving concerts yet DM
Ludwig Wüllner, popular Liederabend 21 MarchVoiceStrauss, Schillings, Wagner, Anna CramerSchillings hexenlied, his 7th concert of the season; Veen played violin obligato on Strauss NotturnoPhilharmonie
Joachim Quartet21 MarChamber4th of 2nd cycle (?)
9th Königliche Kapelle concert Sinding symphony22 MarchMixedSinding, Wagner, Prelude to Tristan Beethoven, 7th Symphonydid not make a good impression lacks contrast, he has written much, much better music
EE Taubert
Robert Robitschek, cond. 22 MarchMixedHumperdinck, Shakespeare pieces, Philipp Scharwenkaphil orchestra
Dvorak golden spinning wheel
Robitscheck: the conductor is more interesting as a composer
Teresa Carreño22 MarchPianosmetana, am seegestade mac dowell,chopin, mozart, Brahms op. 79Marvelous still youthful, stylish, technique is wonderful
very big ovation
Philharmonie; BP 18.11.1889; BP 1916
Zickner & ZarembskaMarch 22MixedPianist Wanda Z good, Elisabeth Z mediocreBechstein
Antonia Dolores22 MarchVoiceis adored in Australia; voice is dry and sharp
Klingler Quartet23 MarchChamberGlazunov, Brahms, Mozarttheir last concert of the series: brahms op 18
Mozart quintet E-flat
James Bruce, cello: F. Rückward viola
Melanie Michaelis23 MarchViolinSinding, RegerVieuxtemps, Tartini with phil orch.
Got stage fright and needs to work on her Tonbildung
Singakademie; BP 9.2.1906;
Luise Geller-Wolter, 3rd23 MarchVoiceSchubert, Wolf, StraussBehmBP 4.3.1893 (1863-1934)
Hauptprobe Philharmonisches Orchester24 MarchMixed
Philharmonic Popular Concert24 MarchPops?
Sven Scholander24 MarchVoice
Extra philharmonic concert25 MarchMixedLiebestod, Mozart Constanze ariaBenefit for pension fund Lilli Lehmann
Günther Freudenberg25 MarchPianoSchumann op. 17, Taubert op. 68, Raff, Liszt, Chopin, Scarlatti, Weber Mozartsaal
Gertrud Meisner25 MarchVoicewith Alexander Heinemann; ok
Lydia Illyna25 MarchVoice2nd
Paul Reimers25 MarchVoice
St John PassionMarch 26ChoralG. Schumann: SingakademieClara Erler, Felix Senius, Messchaert, F Lederer PrinaSenius BP 11.12.1905; L-P BP 17.11.1926
popular Beethoven Abend26 MarchChamberBeethoven, op. 70 “Geister”Holländische Trio, Klara Erler, Anton SIstermanns, Leo GollantinScottish and Irish songs
Concert at Zoo Exhibition hall26 MarchMixedMendelssohn, Paulusorch and chorus, soloists, 300 performersBenefit for “Berlin” disaster
Hugo del Carril26 MarchPianoBeethoven, Bach, Schumann, LisztSymphonic etudes, b minor sonata; Appasionata, Bach fugueBP 21.11.1904
Alexander Sebald26 MarchViolinPaganini 24 caprices all of them for the first time accomplished successfully3rd1869-1934; Concertmaster of Königl. Kapelle 1904; C. Thomson student, Hungarian
Hilde La Harpe26 MarchVoicevocal and recitative
Mariannina l'Huiller27 MarchPianoMerrick B. Hildebrandt, violin
Philharmonic Popular Concert27 MarchPops
Hermann Gura27 MarchVoiceLöwe Abend: 25th anniversary of the Löwe VereinBP 27.11.1902
Piano Trio28 MarchPopswith Joachim, Klingler, Halir, Mühlfeld (their last concert?)
Elias29 MarchChoralMendelssohnneues Schauspielhaus
mozart orchestra
Heinemann, Werner Alberti
Paulus29 MarchChoralMendelssohn
St Matthew Passion29 MarchChoralBachSchumann; Also 28th; Tilly Koenen, Messchaert, Lederer-PrinaPhil Orch
Good Friday concert29 MarchMixedMozart g minor piano quartet; Beethoven SeptetChamber music of Mozart orch soloists; KM Paul Prill played piano on Mozart; Helene Staegemann
Paulus 2nd time30 MarchChoralMendelssohn
Xth Beethoven 930 MarchMixedThuille, Mozart, g minor symphony, Beethoven9th symphony
Last Königliche Kapelle concert
Something more interest may be in store for us next season, but certainly nothing better (Taubert, FW is leaving)
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4 thoughts on “Concerts in March and April 1907”

  1. ok, so the next thing you need to look at is ticket prices in relation to income. In other words, how affordable would it have been for a middle class employee to go to a concert, say, once or twice a week? In the absence of sound reproduction equipment and the cost of buying recordings, could the average music lover have been able to get their fill of music without having to resort to their own instrument at home?

    • I have the sense that it was not that different from today. I read in a tourist guide that in 1901 Berlin, the price for a “cuvert”at a first class restaurant would be about 80 Pfennigs, while a Straßenbahn ticket was 10 pfennigs. Roughly speaking, the “popular” concerts were an average of 1 Mark. So if you went out to dinner once a week, you could just as well go to a concert, and maybe you could afford both.
      How much did the middle class earn? A report from 1907 gave the average salary of a musician in the Hamburg opera orchestra as 150 M. a month, while in Frankfurt, it was 1938 M. a year. It gets complicated to work out how much that was in our terms. If you would consult the website “Measuring Worth”, perhaps you could report back to me.

      • While I am working on your assignment, my other thought was how interesting the programming is. There seems to be an equal commitment to building/maintaining a canon as well as trying out new works. Is that the impression you are getting?

        • That’s a very difficult question. There was plenty of cultural despair. But yes, I do get the impression that many different kinds of new music got a healthy amount of performances, audiences, and reviews.


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