22 April 1907

The Singakademie’s last subscription concert, conducted by Georg Schumann, has five Bach cantatas on the program: “Der Geist hilft,” “Aus der Tiefe,” “Dem Gerechten muss das Licht,” “Ich elender Mensch,” and “Nun ist das Heil.” The other concert is the Chorus of the Königliche Oper, conducted by Hugo Rüdel, with soloists Emmy Destinn, Robert Philipp, … Read more

21 April 1907

ConcertsThe baritone Hermann Gura is giving a Goethe-Loewe-Abend. He gave a Loewe-Abend last month also, on 27 March.The Mozart-Saal Orchester is giving a popular waltz concert.The Philharmonic’s popular concert features soloists Witek and Reitz.The Sing-Akademie’s noontime dress rehearsal of their final concert of the season consists of five Bach cantatas.Opera/OperettaSalome is at the Königliche Oper, … Read more

20 April 1907

Mascagni as one of Vanity Fair’s “Men of the Day” in 1912 Pietro Mascagni in Berlin On the occasion of tonight’s concert of the Philharmonic, the Tageblatt has a piece about the composer and conductor Mascagni’s long history with Berlin. It was back in 1892 when he watched three of his works, Cavalleria Rusticana, L’Amico Fritz, … Read more

19 April 1907

The only concert tonight is a popular concert of the Mozart-Saal Orchestra. The program is all Beethoven: Overture to the Creatures of Prometheus, the third Leonore Overture, and the complete music to Goethe’s Egmont. The Philharmonic did the Egmont music on a popular concert just two days ago! I wonder what is going on. (The … Read more

18 April 1907

Mignon by Ambroise Thomas is getting its 250th performance tonight at the Königliche Oper. Its premiere in Berlin was on 10 December 1868, and its popularity has only grown since then. I was surprised to see it was even in the repertoire, but it didn’t take much research for it to become evident that this … Read more

17 April 1907

The violinist Florizel von Reuter is giving yet another concert, with the pianist Arthur Newstead and the Mozart-Saal Orchestra, conducted by Paul Prill. (In researching what became of this child prodigy, I came upon a book he wrote about his experiences communicating through a medium with the spirit world, specifically with the spirit of Paganini. … Read more

16 April 1907

The alto Iduna Walter-Choinanus is so well-known there is hardly anything left to say about her, a critic writes (and I can’t find anything about her!). She is singing the Brahms lieder with viola obligato (played by Fridolin Klingler of the Klingler Quartet). The pianist is Cornelia Rider-Possart, who will be playing “Carnaval Mignon” by … Read more