Strauss and Mahler in concert in Berlin–on the same day

Richard Strauss accompanied his own lieder on the piano as part of an all Strauss concert on 14 February 1907 in the Beethovensaal. On the same day there was a “Mahler Abend” at the Künstlerhaus, where the composer himself accompanied Johannes Messchaert’s recital of a total of eighteen lieder: “Kindertotenlieder,” “Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen,” four Rückert … Read more

Piano Virtuosos in 1907 Berlin

The School of LisztIn the month of January in 1907, one could have attended concerts of EIGHT pianists who had been students of Liszt: [su_label type=”success”]W-M[/su_label] = recorded rolls for the Welte-Mignon player piano Eugen d’Albert (1864-1932)[su_label type=”success”]W-M[/su_label] Richard Burmeister (1860-1944) [su_label type=”success”]W-M[/su_label] Frederic Lamond (1868-1948) [su_label type=”success”]W-M[/su_label] José Vianna da Motta (1868-1948) [su_label type=”success”]W-M[/su_label] Alfred Reisenauer (1863-1907) [su_label … Read more

The Double Concerto of Brahms

When Brahms composed his last orchestral work, the Double Concerto for Violin and Cello, Op. 102, he wrote the solo parts specifically for Hausmann and Joachim, which he sent to them before they first tried it out together. The October 18, 1887 premiere in Cologne was followed by performances in Wiesbaden on November 17th, Frankfurt … Read more

The Brahms Double Concerto at the Proms Concerts

On the occasion of the London premiere of the Brahms Double Concerto, Op. 102 on February 14, 1888, The Times newspaper wrote: No one but Brahms among living masters could have written this work, which shows all the earnestness of purpose, all the freedom from mere clap-trap, to which this composer owes his leading position. … Read more

The musical Hausmann family

Not only were the cousins Georg and Robert Hausmann both professional cellists who played the same cello with some of the same people in the same places, Robert’s sister Marie was a singer who had a cousin Marie who was also a singer. Robert’s sister Marie was born in 1847. She studied singing with Julius … Read more

The pianist Heinrich Barth (1847-1922)

Besides his performances with his colleagues de Ahna and Hausmann in a Piano Trio, Heinrich Barth (12.07.1847-23.12.1922) had a solo career, although he never became as famous as his students Wilhelm Kempff, Heinrich Neuhaus, or Arthur Rubinstein. Barth’s training included study with Liszt’s two best students, Hans von Bülow and Carl Tausig. He began at … Read more